Computer's personal often face problems when they have to take a break from their PC for some time and can’t answer to emails and instant messages. Actually, for email you can set up an autoresponder if you use Outlook software, and there’s a way out for gmail, too.
But what can you do with your instant messenger? I have a lot of IM accounts for any purposes with different people in each account. So what utility can tell these people that I am out on a vacation or down with fever? comes to the rescue by setting up an automated web based answering machine for your instant messenger. It works with MSN, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo and Google Talk as of now.
How it Works
Setting it up is very simple. First, hop over to Then, select your IM network (like GTalk, Yahoo, etc). Fill in your username and password and hit Login.
Now, you can customize your automated reply and select the status you would like your account to remain at. Since the service is web based, your IM account can remain online and send auto responses even after you have shut your computer down. From another panel, you can also track responses and messages you received when your account was on autopilot.
Though it works good, giving out my username and password freaked me out initially, but it does the job. While checking the response of the machine, sometimes it would lag and the response would come a while later. This is something the developer should consider mending.
Using such a service may not be neccessary, but it can be experimented with. If it had filters like Gmail, it could be very productive. That way, my reply could be sent only to certain people and different replies could be sent for different people.
Well, for now, you’ll have to use it as it is. Happy IMing!
(By) Keshav Khera is a 14 year old geek from India. He is an avid freelance writer and writes about technology and web on his blog Fabworker. When he’s not doing the usual stuff, he’s either exploring music or is hooked to twitter (@keshav).
Instant messaging news, reviews, software. LAN instant messaging, Corporate instant messaging, Business messengers, Intranet communication solutions.
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